Preparation for childbirth
- Physical health
- Exercise
- Yoga
- Independent ante-natal classes (inc. Hypnobirthing)
- Support of loved ones esp. husband/partner
- Support of a doula
- Relationship and honest understanding with or about your doctor
- Against body’s and baby’s timeline – tend to be done for reasons which are tenuous
- Do hurt more
- Rupturing water sac membranes (AROM), pitocin interferes with the birth process
- Most likely will require mother to be on the bed (either lying down or sitting) and strapped to a fetal monitor, limiting movement and creating pain and discomfort
- Fear-tension-pain
- Fighting against your body
- Let go of fear
- Positive thoughts
- Birth affirmations
- Acknowledges Fear-Tension-Pain and provides ways to ensure mother’s relaxation in labour and delivery
- Re-organising your mindset and approach, e.g. interpreting contractions as surges
- Doesn’t result in a hypnotic trance, but more a daydream or inward focus
- Deep relaxation
Ecstatic birth
- “Four major hormonal systems are active during labor and birth. These involve oxytocin, the hormone of love; endorphins, hormones of pleasure and transcendence; epinephrine and norepinephrine, hormones of excitement; and prolactin, the mothering hormone… For birth to proceed optimally, this part of the brain must take precedence over the neocortex, or rational brain.” – Sarah J. Buckley
Orgasmic birth?
- Can happen too!
- Loving affection between mother and father during labour can help to relax and bring pleasure to the mother and to re-affirm the bond between the parents as they become a family
Birth environment and processes
- Hospital – need to be firm about what your requirements are to make your birthing space as comfortable as possible
- Hospital – be aware of what processes/interventions etc you do not want and communicate this
- E.g. Intermittent fetal monitor/dopplers, minimal or no vaginal exams
- Home – whatever you like
Prayer and belief
- Can be extremely powerful
- Accept that our bodies are an amazing product of evolution and creation, and that birth is the same.
Kredit : The Gentle Birthing Group
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