The growth spurt continues: by the end of this week your baby could measure as much as 43.7cm / 17.2in long from top to toe. By now, she's probably head down in your uterus - most babies are at this point - though she may continue to change position. Her skull bones are still pliable and aren't completely joined, making it easier to exit from the birth canal. Read more information on your baby's development this week.
You may notice that your feet, hands, face, and ankles have become a bit swollen.This water retention (known as oedema) is often worse in warm weather and later in the day. Surprisingly, drinking more water, not less, will help - so drink up! But if the swelling's severe, and you start to have headaches, call your doctor straightaway, because these are sometimes symptoms of pre-eclampsia.
Make life easier for yourself. Stock up on basics - everything from can foods to beras- before shopping becomes too much of a chore. Cook up extra portions to freeze as ready meals for the early weeks - especially important when you're breastfeeding. Make a list of important numbers - your doctor and the labour ward - and pin it up by the phone. If your husband's difficult to get hold of, make sure he has a mobile phone on him at all times. What about your pets and older children? Sort out cover for them and you'll be more relaxed when the time comes.
Financial worries can mar your enjoyment of pregnancy and maternity leave. Work out if you're budgeting enough for your baby. Have you looked into how much childcare may cost when you go back to work? If you have hired a live-in maid, you need to factor in the increased costs of feeding and housing another adult.
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