Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Perjalanan Abah Menghadapi Kanser - 22

10/6/14... Patutnya just a nirmal n routine check up atuk kat HUKM.. Tapi bila atuk banyak complication n blood test punye result show a lot of deficiency, doctor tahan abah for further investigation.. Abah admitted sekali lagi.. Its has been a year... Lps atuk operate dulu..

This is the result n after few diacussion wth doktor..

This is from ayah thrgh wassap

Salam all...sorry..bru dpt charger...
Morning: Blood test abah x bagus sgt...sgt2 x bagus...ada sign kidney abah x function properly..possibilities because of tumor..tp perlu disahkan melalui ct scan..
Discussion with doctor: admission the best option..because if it's true...dorang nak selamatkan kidney abah..so agreed to admit
As for tulang: takde sign yg infection from the tumor as of now...spine abah ok...pelvis pun ok..because of bed ridden..
From discussion ngan doctor Kat surgical clinic td...esk buat ct scan then next course of action...
Evening around 8++: doctor review...dorang xnak tggu esk..so dorang advise buat xray n ultrasound...so..i agreed..because according to the doctor..same thing...nak save kidney..why must wait until tomorrow...which I agree..test was done
Dorang akan review result and will inform colorectal team..
Kalau anything urgent need to be done tonight...they will inform..because they have to refer to urology..
So at the moment...dorang dah buat xray,ultrasound,pasang urine tube,bagi ubat muntah,masuk air...abah dah start puasa..because maybe esk proceed with ct scan...

So..katanya kena tebuk and pasang tube..for urine...tp tggu pakar urology esk pagi...
Sbb...urine bladder mcm blocked by the tumor...again...esk pakar uro bgtau
Permanent or temporary...juga uro akan bgtau...doc colorectal kata...from their side is very minimal already...which is true...

Tube yg doctor pasang td utk measures kelawasan urine abah... 

Ok...Dr uro baru dtg...
Based on ultrasound and xray...yup..tumor pressing the kidney and also the water pipe...

So...what they going to do..dorang akan masukan "stand" through the water pipe...So...dorang akan BG bius pinggang ke bawah..then buat benda Tu..it will be tomorrow..anytime before 5...The procedure will take roughly 1 hour...

So, tommorro is t day.. Lets pray n hope for the best...

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