Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The Drinks That Was Spilled

If your little child spilled or dropped his drinks. 
Before you shout at him for being careless, take a look at his little fingers. 
Are they big enough to hold the cup or glass? 
Are the grip of his fingers strong enough to hold the cup? 
Are his hands strong enough to withstand the weight of the cup?

You might have strong hands and strong grip now, but this will leave you one day. 

There will come a day when your big but old hands could not grip properly anymore.
Your hands might not be stable anymore. 
And you will spill and drop your drinks....: (

The understanding, kindness and compassion you show today to the owner of those little and not so strong hands will one day be returned millions folds.

There is so much anger in this world today, we need to take a step back and evaluate our parenting because the adults today were children 20 or more years before.

How was that anger got entangled in those bodies?

GENTLE, LOVING AND WISE Parenting need to come forward.

Be an understanding, kind, loving and firm parent. 

Correct without invalidating. Applaud good behavior with genuine appreciation. 
That is what GENTLE, LOVING AND WISE PARENTING is all about. 

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