Mama bangun pagi, macam biasa, siapkan brg2 kak long n kak ngah..
Siap2 pegi keje, singgah kedai beli sarapan.. Naik office, sakit perut, masuk toilet, terus cirit kuar air.. Tgh sakit cirit, termuntah terus.. Keluar air juga.. Kepala dah pening.. Kuar toilet pegang dinding.. Mata dah start kabur.. Kuar toilet dah nampak gelap.. Nasib baik pejabat exo buka, terus pergi duduk kat kerusi dia.. Tau2 black out.. Tersedar kejap pastu, bila rasa contraction sgt2.. Memang dah rasa macam kak ngah dulu.. Was thinking like crying.. Was thinking like shouting for help.. Tapi xde org.. Sume xnampak.. Mama jalan slow2, pegang dinding, amik bag, n sempat bgtau office mate yg ade, "saya nak pegi hospital".. Terus jalan.. Turun tangga, berpeluh macam lari 2.4km.. Alhamdulillah, sampai ke Tech gate.. Terus ke kereta, mata dah mula grey.. Tarik nafas n buat segala macam.. Boleh tahan.. Sampai ke demc.. Terus ke emergeny.. DR kata food poisioning.. But i insist to see my gynae.. She know better bout my history.. Transfer to OnG.. Nombor skrg 6... nombor kita 12.. Tiba2, dR fairus panggil masuk bilik n potong semua nombor.. First thing, Dr Fairus marah staff dia, mana wheel chair? Kenapa bagi patient i jalan? Boleh bersalin dia.. Thats what i like about her.. She's a lady, a mother n a Specialist DR.. Really taking care of her patient.. Baring, dia pegang perut.. "Keras ni zah perut U, dari pagi ke?"
Macam biasa, dR fairus pujuk n calm u down.. She's a great lady..
Scan, 3d, servicks measurement, transfer to labour room.. Start IV, monitoring baby heart beat, start dexa at 1200H, start IV terbuthaline.. transfer to HSB.. My most night mare place.. Cant imagine to be there again.. Its not becoz of the Hosp.. Its becoz of t experienced.. Traumatic.. Sampai HSB dgn ambulance.. Procedure, High Risk Unit again.. Guess what??? Katil yg sama di bahagian yg sama.. Oh my.. Again..
Stop crying.. Be positive.. Stay strong for baby boy
Its good.. I can smile, can breath, can talk nicely to other patient..
Butttt, this Houseman dapat hasil lah.. Nak check opening servicks, dia sumbat sampai melecet, tgn HO kene cakar.. Ade kulit dia dekat celah jari.. Hehe.. Sorry HO.. I xtahan u buat macam tu.. Be nice, be kind next time ya.. Waiting n waiting sampai pukul 5pm.. Kene tahan amik full dexa n continue terbhutaline..
Alhamdulillah, contraction kurang, baby boy sihat.. Mama gonna be strong for u dear.. This is my promise...
1- dexa- matang kan paru2-
10/3/16- 1200H,0001H
2- terbhutaline- stop contraction
10/3/16-1200H (demc), 1600H (pil), 0001H(pil)
11/3/16- 0900H (pil)
3- antibiotik