Friday, 27 April 2012

Kelahiran Permata Hati Kami

Assalamualaikum.. hari ni 26/4/12, hari kelahiran permata hati kami.. Adelia Hana binti Shamsurizam.. Alhamdulillah.. Mama n Papa was so proud of u..

Hana, mama sayang hana.. n im sure papa n the rest of the family too.. Welcome sayang to t family..

Sepatutnya mama induce semalam..25/4/12.. but i wasnt ready.. maybe becos papa pun sibuk.. papa baru balik outstayion kan.. He was so tired travelling 3 days straight to pahang.. Kesian Papa.. n now, papa still xtdo lg, bt kje.. im so lucky to have papa in my live..

Hana sayang, mama tau u gonna be born today.. Cos i can feel it.. A mother instinct kan..:)... lets mama tell u the full story on ur born day..
Mama n papa was at nenek hse for almost two weeks.. Mama cant sleep since day before.. Contraction was 10-15 minits.. Mama nyusahkan papa lg.. asking him to urut lh.. So mengada kan mama nih..

Then, set alarm jam, bnyk.. from 0530 till 0700.. Actually mama is afraid.. biasa lh mama nih.. everything is in my mind.. u, papa, myself, all the pain that im going to faced.. ohhhh.. betul3 xbest.. as ussual, mama bgn after nenek ketuk pintu bilik.. nenek pun mcm mama.. hihi
mama bgn, mandi n poo poo, tp sikit je, solat subuh n bc yassin.. kejut papa.. n siap2...
gerak dr nenek hse at 0700, takut jammed.. n smpi umh ayah at almost 0800.. salam nenek n ibu, then left to demc..
Sampi demc, mama dah cuaksss, papa steady.. thats why i love him do much.. relax n always make things ceria..
Register, byr deposit bilik, n trs ke tgkt 2... Labour room... Jeng jeng jeng.. Masuk bilik 203... nervous nye.. Nurae bt ctg.. there u go, contraction but still week, n opening servicks after VE was 1.5cm... ouch.. nak tunggu till 10cm opening with all those pain.. Nop!!
Dr decide to give induction.. at 1100h, Dr dtg, VE again, masuk ubat into servicks, n no movement, for 1 hour... Ouchhhhh.. Again!! Sakitttt!!!

Papa pun nmpk nervous.. As i told him, keep quiet.. he did it.. kesian papa.. Teruk mama nih kan.. Srh urut dia urut, mama genggam tgn papa for, i dont know how long it was.. Entah2 patah tgn Papa.. Love u Papa..
N continue monitor contraction.. it is 5 min interval.. Mama xtahsn.. Menangis! Nurse bg painkiller.. ngantuk yet sakit masih terasa.. After 1 hour, 1200h, amik ctg lg.. Sakit makin truk.. i cried.. n istigfar a lot too.. all those doa, muncul dlm otak..
Nurse kasi ubat poo poo.. masuk xsampi 3 minit dah rasa nk berak.. Mama dgn mamai ubt n sakit, with Papa help, masuk toilet n pening.. nsb ader Papa...
Huh, lps tuh, mama tkr baju, at 1500, nurse dah prepare nk pecah air ketuban.. there we go.. sakit!!!! Mama bernafas dah mcm bulls.. Huhu.. Cant help it.. Papa jd mangsa.. Mama menahsn sakit.. Oh Allah the Almighty.. betapa sakit nya.. Masa tuh mama teringat nenek.. Mcm tu lh sakit nenek lhirkan mama.. tambah lg, atuk wasnt there wth nenek.. Cian nenek kan..
Back to ur story, dearie Hana, at 1600, mama can feel ur head darling.. Mama xtggu dr dah.. Mama rasa sakit n teran..
Alhamdulillah, dr sampai n i can hear suara azan asar frm masjid nearby.. its 1630 i think.. arrrggghhhh.. Mama push again for second time, then third time n i can feel u.. Alhamdulillah.. 1702..
Holding u in my chest, looking at ur face.. Owh.. u r so precious.. Alhamdulillah.. Papa cut ur umbilical cord, mama kiss u.. N nurses clean u up.. Papa ready to Qamat.. ohhh.. its not over.. uri blm kuar.. blm jahit.. arggghhhh,.. i given the gas.. mmg mamai.. mamai sangat..
But after that, its over.. Mama baring, nurses sibuk tkr baju, pakaikan pad.. tkr lapik.. Im still mamai.. Till now!!
All t family members come one by one.. owh, its ur special day..

Mama love u Hana.. N the greatest thing is, I LOVE papa...

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Tanda - Tanda Bersalin

Selepas usia kandungan sudah 38 minggu ke atas boleh lah bakal-bakal ibu memerhatikan tanda-tanda hendak bersalin. Di sini terdapat 10 tanda-tanda bersalin :

1. Kontraksi Rahim - adalah rasa tegang pada perut, kadang-kadang bakal ibu akan berasa sakit di tengah perut sehingga ari-ari. Kontraksi akan berlaku semakin kuat dan dalam sela masa teratur. Sila lihat jam anda berapa selang masa berlakunya kontraksi. Jika dalam sela masa 5 minit dan mengeras dalam 20 ke 45 saat. Sila ke klinik dengan segera.

2. Sakit Belakang - Rasa sakit belakang di bahagian bawah dengan kerap.

3. Pecah ketuban - Keluar air jernih dari rahim, bagi nor semasa kelahiran pertama keluar bunyi pop baru keluar air ketuban. Ada banyak air keluar bercampur dengan darah.

4. Lendir pekat bercampur darah - Lendir ini merupakan pluk yang melindungi bayi daripada sebarang jangkitan. Sekarang pluk telah mula keluar dan bayi bersedia untuk bergerak ke bawah. Tapi bila dah ada rasa sakit (kontraksi kuat dan kerap) baru ke klinik :).

5. Serviks terbuka - hanya doktor yang boleh cek bukaan serviks, bila dah mencapai 10cm baru proses bersalin akan dimulakan.

6. Kerap terkentut - Sesetengah wanita akan kerap terkentut :)

7. Perut rasa memulas seperti nak buang air besar - Disebabkan bayi telah mula bergerak ke bawah, ia turut memberi tekanan kepada saluran untuk buang air besar. Sesetengah wanita akan rasa ingin ke tandas dengan kerap sebab rasa nak buang air besar. Berhati-hati...

8. Kerap terkencing - Akan kerap terkencing sebab bayi sudah mula bergerak ke bawah.

9. Perut kelihatan membuncit bahagian bawah, bahagian atas terasa ringan atau kosong - Menandakan bayi dah mula turun ke bawah. Jika anda rasa kontraksi yang kuat dan kerap, berjumpa doktor dengan segera :).

10. Berat badan berkurangan - Berat badan akan berkurangan sedikit apabila masa bersalin hampir tiba.

Anak Mama - 37 Minggu

Assalamualaikum anak mama.. its only left few weeks before we gonna see each other... Mama miss u so much.. Anak mama, behave urself in there.. Be a good girl..mama n papa will take care of you...

Monday, 9 April 2012

Anak Mama - 36 Minggu

Your baby is still gaining weight - about an ounce / 28 grams a day. She weighs nearly 6 pounds / 2.7 kilograms and is 19 inches / 45 centimetres long from head to toe. 
You may begin to feel an increased pressure in your lower abdomen and notice that your baby is gradually dropping. This is called lightening or engagement, and your lungs and stomach will finally get a chance to stretch out a little - breathing and eating should become easier. However, walking may become increasingly uncomfortable - some women say it feels as if the baby is going to fall out. Also, you may still feel as if you need to go to the toilet all the time. Stock up on those last minute nutrients with our eating well guide.
The good news is that by the end of this week, your pregnancy will befull-term and you could give birth any day now. (Babies between 37 and 42 weeks are considered full-term - a baby born before 37 weeks is premature and after 42 is post-term.) At your weekly visit, your doctor may check to see if you've started dilating (when the cervix opens) and effacing (when the cervix thins). The doctor will also check what position the baby is in, in order to estimate how far the baby has dropped into the pelvis. This information will be entered into your maternity notes so that your doctor in will know the position of the baby when you go into labour.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Anak Mama - 35 Minggu

Your baby now weighs about 5.25 pounds / 2.4 kilograms and measures approximately 18 inches / 45 centimetres from head to toe. His elbow, foot or head may protrude from your stomach when he stretches and squirms about. Soon, as the wall of your uterus and your abdomen stretch thinner and let in more light, your baby will begin to develop daily activity cycles. 
This week, your little one is now sporting fingernails and has a fully developed pair of kidneys. His liver can also process some waste products. 
There's much lessamniotic fluid and much more baby in your uterus, which has expanded to a thousand times its original size. You've probably put on between 25 and 30 pounds / 11 and 13.6 kilograms and your weight gain has hit its peak. Even your belly button has got bigger and has popped outward. You may be feelingbreathless now that the top of your uterus is up under your ribs. Try getting down on all fours to take deeper breaths. Although the pressure on your bladder will make the bathroom your second home, don't drink any less water - your baby needs the fluids. But you may like to cut down on diuretic drinks such as tea and coffee, which will make you have to urinate even more often.

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