Wednesday, 29 February 2012


* Jangan terlalu banyak makan makanan berkadar garam tinggi kerana dapat menyebabkan kejang-kejang di kaki akibat penumpukan garam yang menyumbat aliran darah di kawasan kaki.
* Jika tidur, sebaiknya ambilah posisi mengiring, terutama mengiring ke sebelah kiri. Hal ini membantu dalam melancarkan peredaran darah ibu hamil
* Lakukan senaman seperti berjoging atau berenang untuk menghindari kram-kram.
* Hindari ibu hamil mengalami perubahan suhu tubuh yang terlalu drastis. Pada masa ini pembuluh darah ibu hamil berada pada titik kepekaan yang berlebihan sehingga menjadi sensitif. Kondisi ini dapat membuat ibu hamil menjadi cepat lelah.
* Jika terasa ingin selalu buang air kecil, jangan pernah menahannya, kerana hal ini dapat menyebabkan infeksi pada saluran pundi kencing.
* Ibu hamil lebih baik melakukan aromaterapi atau relaksasi agar jiwa dan perasaan ibu hamil tenang menghadapi persalinan
* Perbanyaklah istirahat untuk menyimpan energi menjelang persalinan.
* Lakukanlah urutan-urutan ringan dan lembut di seputar kaki. Urut menggunakan ibu jari setiap malam.
Tips Menjelang Persalinan

* Mulailah melakukan persiapan fizikal dan mental untuk menghadapi proses persalinan. Persiapan ini sangat penting, terutama bagi calon ibu yang akan melahirkan untuk pertama kalinya dan ingin melahirkan secara normal. Dengan pesiapan mental, calon ibu dipastikan agar melewati persalinan dengan rileks dan penuh pemahaman akan apa dan mengapa hal tersebut harus terjadi.
* Bersiaplah mengalami kontraksi pada hari-hari menjelang persalinan.
* jangan panik bila ibu hamil mengalami kontraksi yang berlangsung beberapa minit lalu mereda atau menghilang. Namun jika kontraksi ini disertai dengan keluarnya cairan, baik cairan bening maupun darah, segeralah menghubungi doktor atau bidan atau segera pergi ke hospital.
* Jangan panik jika tiba-tiba air ketuban pecah saat ibu hamil sedang berdiri, kerana jalan lahir akan otomatik tertutup oleh berat badan bayi. Segeralah hubungi doktor atau bidan atau pergi ke hospital.

Pregnancy Sleep

As your baby's birth gets closer, you may find that a good night's sleep is only a hazy memory. It's normal for your sleep to get worse in the third trimester. And if this is the case for you, you're not alone. More than half of pregnant women rate their sleep as poor at this time. 
Why can’t I get comfortable sleep in my third trimester? 
By the third trimester, your bump is simply too big to allow you to lie down comfortably. Try sleeping on your left side with pillows wedged between your legs and behind your back. 
One small study has suggested that women who go to sleep on their left side are less likely to have a stillborn baby than those that sleep in any other position. 
However, we don't understand what exactly causes stillbirth and many factors are involved. This study only looked at sleep-related factors, such as snoring, getting up to go the loo, as well as sleeping position. More research is needed into sleep patterns before we can draw any firm conclusions over sleeping positions. 
In the final four to six weeks, if you really can't get comfy in bed, you may find you get your best rest propped up in a comfy chair or sofa instead. 
Why do I keep needing the loo again? 
Remember your early pregnancy days, when it seemed as though you spent more time in the loo than out of it? Well, here we are again. This time it's thanks to your growing baby, who's putting pressure on your bladder. 
You can try to reduce the number of night-time trips to the loo by cutting back on drinks in the evening. And make sure you completely empty your bladder on each trip to the loo by leaning forward when you wee. 
What else might disturb my sleep in the third trimester? 
You may find your sleep interrupted by a whole host of pregnancy niggles. These can include:
restless leg syndrome
leg cramps
itching (see your doctor if you have severe itching)
vivid dreams
your baby's movements

Although you can ease some of these disturbances, it's likely that you will have to endure a few sleepless nights. Think of this time as a dress rehearsal for life after your baby is born! 
Will lack of sleep in my third trimester harm my baby? 
No. Sleeplessness is very common in the late stages of pregnancy, but it won’t harm your baby. However, it can make you feel run down and exhausted. It's also possible that a severe lack of sleep in the last few weeks of pregnancy can mean a longer labour. Severe sleep deprivation may also increase your chances of having a caesarean section. 

Listen to your body and rest when you can. If you can't sleep at night, it's fine to take naps to catch up during the day. See our tips for getting a good night’s sleep during pregnancy.

Anak Mama - 31 Minggu

Lengan bayi anda, kaki dan badan terus membesar - dan akhirnya sama padan dengan saiz kepala bayi anda. Beratnya lebih kurang 3.3. paun / 1.5 kilogram dan dia sudah kelihatan seperti bayi baru lahir. Ukuran panjangnya lebih kurang 16 inci / 41 sentimeter dari mercu kepala ke jari kaki. 

Anda mungkin sedar yang bayi anda tidak lagi bergerak sebegitu giat seperti dahulu. Jangan bimbang; dia tidak lagi mempunyai begitu banyak ruang dalam uterus anda. Selagi anda terasa dia menggeliang-geliut, anda tahu dia sihat sejahtera. Jangan tak percaya pula, dia masih perlu membesar lebih banyak lagi. Dia dijangka boleh naik berat badan dua paun / 900 gram lagi sebelum kelahiran. 

Organ bayi anda terus mematang dan dia membuang air kecil dari pundi kencingnya: Ini persediaan yang baik untuk melatih dia kencing selepas kelahiran. Tak lama lagi anda boleh meramal apakah yang diidam-idamkan oleh bayi anda - skan otak menunjukkan yang fetus mempunyai waktu-waktu tidur bermimpi pada bulan kelapan. 

Anda mungkin telah meningkat berat badan sebanyak tiga hingga empat paun / 1.3 hingga 1.8 kilogram pada bulan ini. Adalah normal bagi berat badan naik satu paun / 460 gram seminggu semasa trimester terakhir sebab bayi anda mengalami satu lonjakan pertumbuhan terakhir sebelum dia dilahirkan. 

Pakar-pakar menyatakan bahawa setiap bayi berkembang secara berlainan - walaupun semasa dalam kandungan. Muka surat-muka surat di bahagian ini disediakan untuk memberi maklumat umum mengenai perkembangan fetus dalam rahim. 

Monday, 20 February 2012

Anak Mama - 30 Minggu

From now on, your baby will gain weight fast. His lungs and digestive tract are nearly mature and he's probably been able to open and shut his eyes for a while now, so he can see inside you. Read more information on your baby's development this week. 

You've probably gained quite a bit this month - typically 1.4-1.8 kg/3-4 lb. Gaining 450 g/1 lb a week is quite normal during the last three months. Your baby's demands for nutrients are at their greatest in the final pre-birth growth spurt. You may love or loathe your increasing size - either way, remind yourself of 50 reasons why it's great to be pregnant. 

It's never too late to stop smoking, as your baby will benefit from an increased oxygen supply within days of you quitting. Try to encourage those close to you who smoke to give up, too - not only will this help you to stop smoking but it may help your baby in the longer term. Research has shown that babies are at higher risk of cot death / SIDS if a parent or caregiver smokes around them. 

Getting a good night's sleep can become more difficult again in the third trimester. As your bump grows, getting and staying comfortable is harder and you may find pressure on your bladder means midnight trips to the loo make an unwelcome but necessary return. Vivid dreams can also affect the quality of your sleep leaving you feeling disturbed or inspired! Don't forget to ask your husband about his dreams, too.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Anak Mama - 29 Minggu

Your baby's brain is growing rapidly, and the head is getting longer to accommodate it. If you're having a boy, his testicles are moving from their location near the kidneys through the groin. If you're having a girl, her clitoris is relatively prominent because her still small labia don't yet cover it. That will happen in the last few weeks before birth. Read more information on your baby's development this week. 

As your appetite increases to match your baby's third trimester growth spurt, try to resist eating too many cakes, sweets and fast food snacks - follow our tips for eating well at this stage of pregnancy. Make sure you're getting enough iron, which helps your baby make red blood cells. Iron supplements can make you constipated so it's a good idea to try to boost your iron intake first by including sources such as meat, leafy greens, and fortified cereal in your diet along with fibre-rich foods to help things move along smoothly. 

If you haven't already adapted your exercise regime, now is a good time to introduce some activities to help your body to stretch and open up ready for the birth. Why not try to find a yoga class specifically for pregnant women? Not only will it help you to breathe deeply, but the instructor will show you stretches which may help you get into and maintain comfortable positions in labour. Even the occasional stretch and wiggle can help you avoid pregnancy niggles such as leg cramps - so get moving and stretching! 

Saturday, 11 February 2012

BabyMoon Cameron Trip

Our Little Precious

Anak Mama - 28 Minggu


Dah lama rasa nya x menulis.. Hari nih hari Sabtu..Hari cuti..Yeayyyyy!!!! Tapi Papa ader seminar.. so Mama kena tinggal lah hari nih.. Mama nak g umah nenek.. duduk sana sampai Papa habis kerja.. Ermmm, anak Mama dah 28 minggu dah.. Dah besar perut mama.. Pusat pun dah terkeluar sikit.. Hihi...kelakar jer rupa perut Mama sekarang.. Anak Mama aktif..dari pagi sampai malam...Mama kadang2 xboleh tido... Selalu kene tendang ngan anak Mama.. 

Xpelah sayang.. memang dah hukum alam kan...Mama redha n Mama happy bila anak mama react bila mama sentuh perut mama... Anak Mama sayang, jadilah anak yang soleh, taat pada agama ye sayang.. Mama n Papa akan cuba beri yang terbaik pada anak Mama nih.. U r the best thing happen to me... After Papa lah of course..Hehehe..

Mama sayang anak mama, kami akan buat yang terbaik utk sayang.. Tapi sekarang nih, Mama rasa lapar lah sayang.. Papa sibuk depan komputer... Mama malas nak kacau... Hmmmm... Kejap lagi siap lah tuh kot... Anak Mama menendang lagi nih.. Hehhe.. Tau ke Mama tengah tulis pasal dia...

Love u My Baby....

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Durian dan Kehamilan

Sesetengah komuniti di Asia masih mengekalkan pantang larang tidak makan durian semasa kehamilan. Sebagai contoh, pendekatan tradisional orang Cina untuk kesihatan, durian dianggap terlalu "panas" untuk dimakan semasa kehamilan. Oleh sebab itu, kebanyakan komuniti orang Cina di Asia Tenggara menasihatkan bakal-bakal ibu untuk tidak makan raja buah ini. 

Dengan tegas dinyatakan bahawa tidak terdapat sebarang kajian mengenai keselamatan makan durian semasa kehamilan. Pada masa yang sama, sains moden tidak menjumpai sebarang sebab untuk mengatakan ianya tidak selamat untuk makan durian. Tiada sebarang sebab untuk mengatakan bahawa makan durian semasa kehamilan boleh menyebabkan tekanan darah tinggi pada bakal-bakal ibu atau ruam lampin pada bayi baru lahir. 

Walau bagaimanapun, seorang wanita yang hamil hendaklah makan durian dalam jumlah yang sedikit kerana buah ini mengandungi banyak gula dan karbohidrat – dua ulas yang bersaiz sederhana mengandungi kira-kira 60 kalori. Durian adalah dalam kumpulan makanan yang mengandungi glisemia tinggi, oleh sebab itu, adalah baik untuk menghadkan pengambilannya semasa kehamilan. Mereka yang mempunyai diabetis kehamilan hendaklah mengelakkan diri daripada makan durian kerana kandungan gulanya yang tinggi. 

Beberapa orang penyelidik telah menekankan faedah sulfur organik dan triptofan yang terdapat dalam durian. Sebatian-sebatian ini mengandungi kesan antioksida. Ia juga mengandungi ciri-ciri antimikrob, antibakteria dan antikulat yang baik untuk kehamilan. 

Anak Mama - 27 Minggu

Now that you're approaching the final stage of pregnancy - your third trimester - your baby is really starting to grow and fill the available space in your uterus. She can now open and close her eyes, sleeps and wakes at regular intervals, and may suck a finger or thumb. Although they're still immature, your baby's lungs will function with some medical help, if she's born prematurely. Read more information on your baby's development this week

our body is altering rapidly now: your uterus is up near your rib cage and if you're unlucky you may discover the delights of leg cramps, haemorrhoids or varicose veins. (If it's any consolation, they should disappear after the birth.) Labour really isn't far away so if you haven't already signed up for a childbirth class, then find out if there is a space available on a course now. 

You're likely to have another antenatal appointment this week and you may have a blood test to check for pregnancy anaemia, a deficiency of red blood cells. Many pregnant women develop a mild case of the illness because of normal changes in the body. If your blood group is Rhesus-negative and you tested negative for Rh antibodies at an earlier appointment, you'll have a further test around now. 

Believe it or not, studies have shown that a mum's breastfeeding success has a lot to do with her husband's attitude. If you're a new dad, it's time to bone up on breastfeeding basics so you can provide support after the baby's born. Your wife will need looking after in the first few weeks after the birth so be prepared to help out more around the house and at mealtimes, particularly if she has had a caesarean. 

If you have household help, there is also a lot that your maid can do to help when you're breastfeeding. Find out how to make her your breastfeeding ally

Anak Mama - 26 Minggu

Your baby may measure about 36cm/15in long with feet extended. If you could see your baby now, you might be able to get a glimpse of his baby blue (or brown, green, hazel) eyes, which are now beginning to open. He will respond to sound more consistently toward the end of the seventh month, when the nerve pathways to the ears are complete. Read more information on your baby's development this week. 

You're nearing the home stretch - the third trimester. Before you know it, you'll be cradling your baby in your arms. Around this time, you may see a slight increase in your blood pressure, which is normal. But if your weight suddenly shoots up, or your vision blurs, and your hands and feet swell dramatically, you may have pre-eclampsia. Call your doctor immediately if you notice any of these symptoms. Check out the other symptoms you should never ignore

If you have a swab to check for a vaginal infection during pregnancy such as thrush,the results may come back positive for group B streptococcus, too. This is a common infection which lots of women have without knowing about it and without it causing any harm, but it can be dangerous for newborns - find out why. 

Has your husband sorted his paternity leave? Ask what arrangements the company has in place. Firms have different policies on paternity leave, with some companies being more generous than others. 

"To help yourself relax, immerse your feet in a basin filled with warm water. Add a few drops of scented oil and enjoy." - Anonymous 

Anak Mama - 25 Minggu

Your baby's beginning to make some breathing movements, though there's no air in her lungs as yet. But her senses are developing fast. At 26 weeks, fetal brain scans show that babies respond to touch and if you shine a light on your abdomen, your baby will turn her head, which researchers say shows that the optic nerve is functioning. Read more information on your baby's development this week. 

Sleep may not feel that restful any more if you're having vivid or scary dreams. These are normal because when you sleep, your subconscious becomes the stage for any worries about pregnancy and impending motherhood. Your growing bump may also make it hard to get into a comfortable position. It's recommended that you get into the habit of sleeping on your side rather than your back - follow our tips for using pillows as wedges.

Many pregnant women worry about whether they will be able to birth their babies vaginally - a perfectly natural concern, particularly if it is your first. Take heart, there are some excellent positions for labour you can try which not only help your cervix to dilate during contractions but will also encourage the baby to move down the birth canal when the time comes. Using these positions along with established childbirth techniques such as breathing, massage and natural pain relief will increase your chances of a normal delivery

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